Bienvenido a las creaciones de German Reyes.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

In the beginning...

Well hello there and Welcome to my blog/site. My name is German and I like to draw. (: Why is my brand called El Catrin? Though I don't dress like one everyday...(Only on special occasions)I admire what it has become. A clean, elegant, sophisticated gentleman. That and wearing a suite, especially Zoot Suites are badass! So me+ me liking suites and mustaches and holding a cup with my pinky up+art= El Catrin Arte. :)

My goals for this blog is to keep my audience aware of my art, what is availabele to buy, what has been sold, and upcoming events I will attend or just mention.

So cheers fellas! (Pinky in the air)
Thanks for reading! Have a good day!
El Catrin
German R.


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